10 Tips from a Doctor Who Also Struggled with Exercise
July 11, 2023
By: Tallahassee Memorial HealthCare
Categories: Healthy Living
Like a lot of people, Andrea Friall, MD always knew about the recommendations that adults should get at least 30 minutes of exercise at least five days a week, and she understood the health benefits of regular exercise. But even as a doctor for more than 20 years, she never had a regular fitness routine to fit her irregular schedule. As a busy mom, physician and Tallahassee Memorial HealthCare’s Vice President and Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Friall was unsure how to begin working out.
“I would see colleagues bringing sneakers to use during walks on their breaks or watch neighbors running in the evenings but didn’t see myself as someone who could do that,” Dr. Friall says. “For years, colleagues would invite me to join them on a run after work, but I was too intimidated to accept.”
One day, Dr. Friall said yes to an invitation to meet up with the local chapter of Black Girls Run (BGR), a group that encourages and motivates black women of all ages and fitness abilities to practice a healthy lifestyle. After a few walk/runs with the group, Dr. Friall found her happy pace and settled into a consistent workout routine.
What Got Dr. Friall Running
Knowing Dr. Friall couldn’t say no to supporting a good cause, a friend challenged her to participate in a 5K to benefit sickle cell anemia in April 2022. She still wasn’t willing to commit to running, but she agreed to walk the 5K. However, once she got to the starting line, the excitement of the event, and a little friendly pressure from her friend, helped Dr. Friall get over her fear, and she began to run.
Before she knew it, she ran her first mile! Running and walking that 5K helped Dr. Friall feel comfortable saying yes to more invitations to join friends who also want to keep moving and stay physically active.
"I quickly noticed the positive impact of adding more physical activity to my days, particularly as I started to face symptoms of menopause,” says Dr. Friall.
Reaping the Benefits of Exercise
Regular physical activity is beneficial regardless of your age, but research shows exercise can be particularly beneficial to women during and after menopause. Exercise can help prevent weight gain and bone loss often associated with menopause, as well as reduce the risk of cancer and other diseases such as heart disease. For many women, exercise helps reduce the hormonal effects of menopause which can cause depression and anxiety.
Just over a year after joining her friends, Dr. Friall has participated in many local running events like the Turkey Trot, Tallahassee Half Marathon and the Springtime Tallahassee 10K. In fact, Dr. Friall now incorporates physical fitness into her life at every chance she gets. Colleagues often join her for walking meetings, sometimes referred to as Miles with Friall, and you can often find her enjoying one of Tallahassee’s many shaded trails on the weekend.
Even through her own breakthroughs in establishing an exercise routine, she still knows it’s not an easy feat for everyone. To encourage others who are not sure how to start, Dr. Friall has the following recommendations:
1. Assess your current fitness level. Always consult a healthcare provider before starting a new exercise routine, particularly if you are new to vigorous physical activity. Understanding your current fitness level can help you avoid injury and create a workout plan that best fits your needs and ability.
2. Plan for success. Keep your workouts on your calendar and make sure you are prepared with a change of clothes and anything else you need. Treat your workout like you would an important appointment or meeting; don’t cancel it and come prepared.
3. Prioritize movement throughout your day. Try to take the stairs instead of the elevator or suggest a walking meeting instead of sitting at the conference table. Adding some light exercise to activities that would otherwise be sedentary can energize you throughout the day.
4. Find the time that works best for you. While some people enjoy working out first thing in the morning to ensure they complete their workout before any potential roadblocks pop up, others enjoy decompressing with a long walk or spin class at the end of the day. Choosing the time of day that works best for you helps ensure you stick with your schedule.
5. Don’t let a setback ruin your routine. Life happens and workouts get missed. If you miss a workout (or several), don’t stress too much and just get back to it as soon as you can.
6. Set SMART goals. Large goals, like running a 5K, can be overwhelming if you are brand new to working out. Setting goals that are Specific, Measureable, Acheivable, Relevant and Time-specific (SMART) will set you up for success and keep you motivated.
7. Try different forms of exercise. If you start to lose interest in your routine, shake it up! Instead of running, try a boxing or yoga class. Varying workouts is physically beneficial to maintaining good health and helps avoid boredom.
8. Make it social. Rather than meeting for dinner or drinks to catch up, ask a friend to meet you for a walk on one of Tallahassee’s trails. This can help keep you accountable as well as provide an opportunity to spend time with a friend or family member while you are exercising.
9. Get a professional plan. A trainer can identify exercises to help meet your specific goals and teach you proper form to help avoid injury. Premier Health & Fitness Center offers every new member two free personal training sessions.
10. Have FUN! You don’t have to be the fastest runner at the starting line or the most flexible person in your yoga class to reap the health benefits of the activity. Don’t pressure yourself to make huge improvements in a short amount of time, and instead, focus on finding joy in improving your health.