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We hear a lot of myths about total joint replacement surgery.

In some cases, advances in medicine and technology have made the things that used to be true about joint replacement now obsolete. In other cases, people have preconceived ideas about knee and hip replacement surgery that were never true.

Tallahassee Memorial HealthCare (TMH) is home to the region’s most advanced orthopedic program. Our expert surgeons perform over 1,000 total joint replacements and repairs each year. We’re passionate about sharing the truth about total joint replacement surgery because we see every day how it improves quality of life for our patients.

The best way to dispel or debunk a medical myth is to discuss the matter directly with your doctor. We’re also here to set the record straight on the truth about total joint replacement surgery with the myths and facts below.

MYTH: You’ll be hospitalized for a week following surgery.

FACT: This may be the most common myth about total joint replacement. A weeklong stay may have been necessary following hip or knee replacement surgery in the past – even as recent as a decade ago – but that’s no longer the case.

Today, most of the hip and knee replacement patients at TMH are discharged the same day, and most patients who need to stay in the hospital overnight are discharged by 11 am the following morning.

Only a small fraction of our patients are required to stay in the hospital for more than one night, and that’s usually related to pre-existing risk factors.

MYTH: You’ll be in severe pain following joint replacement.

FACT: There will likely be some pain and soreness from your total joint replacement surgery, but it shouldn’t be severe and probably won’t be as painful as you’re anticipating. It should also be manageable in the days following your surgery.

Today, a local numbing medication, hot/cold therapy and pain medication make it easier to manage pain and swelling. With guidance from your orthopedic nurse navigator and the discharge instructions you receive from your surgical team, you can stay ahead of the pain.

The infection rate following total joint replacement surgery is low, but if there is any severe pain or complications that arise from surgery, we’re here 24/7 to help.

During regular business hours, you can contact your surgeon’s office or our orthopedic nurse navigator for any questions you may have. If an emergency arises after hours, our team is ready to help at the Tallahassee Memorial Bixler Trauma & Emergency Center or Emergency Center – Northeast.

MYTH: You won’t be able to walk for weeks following your surgery

FACT: Would you believe if you were told you’ll be up and walking the same day as your surgery? This is the case for many patients. In fact, most patients are encouraged to move around soon after their surgery and must be able to demonstrate a few simple daily lifestyle activities that involve the use of their knee or hip before being discharged.

This doesn’t mean your surgeon will want you to run a 5K the day after you get home, nor does it mean you won’t need some rest. But you should be able to move around the same day following your surgery. Expect gradual, improved use of your knee or hip in the days following your surgery.

You will likely need a walker or cane in the few days following your surgery, but that will be temporary.

MYTH: You’ll need weeks of inpatient rehabilitation after your surgery.

FACT: Only a small percentage of total joint replacement patients require inpatient rehabilitation following surgery. In most cases, if you don’t have any severe risk factors or complications related to your surgery, you won’t need to enter inpatient rehabilitation.

Outpatient rehabilitation and home health care assistance will be needed, but most of your rehabilitation will include exercises you can perform on your own at home. Physical therapy will help you to strengthen and restore your range of motion in your knee or hip.

The key to successful recovery and getting the most out of your joint replacement is sticking to the rehabilitation plan you create with your therapist. This plan will help you meet the goals you set for yourself and your desired lifestyle following surgery.

MYTH: You won’t be able to do the things you love doing after a hip or knee replacement.

FACT: If you need total knee or hip replacement surgery, you’re likely already experiencing pain that inhibits the lifestyle you enjoy. This may include daily activities such as walking, exercising, playing sports, dancing, playing with your grandchildren or even getting in and out of a chair.

Simply put, joint pain stops you from being you. Total joint replacement surgery will allow you to partake in the activities you love. There will be a temporary period where you will need to rest, recover and rehabilitate, but that lasts for just a few weeks on average.

Following your surgery, you’ll be back to doing the things you love – and without the pain.

If you experience chronic pain in your knee or hip, and it’s not getting better with the use of over-the-counter pain medication and stopping you from enjoying life, ask your primary care provider if total joint replacement surgery is right for you.

If you have questions about total joint replacement surgery, please speak to your primary care provider or feel free to reach out to our orthopedics team via the contact form on our website. You can also reach the orthopedic nurse navigator directly at 850-431-7231 or at Amy.Allen@TMH.ORG.

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Amy Allen, RN

Orthopedics Nurse Navigator