Patient and Family Advisors
Patient and Family Advisors help bring the patient and family perspective to our work here at TMH. These dedicated volunteers work with our staff and other patients and families on a variety of councils, teams, programs and projects to help improve how we deliver care.
Our Patient and Family Advisory Council (PFAC)
Our Patient and Family Advisors are patients, family members and TMH colleagues who partner to ensure the highest standard of patient- and family-centered culture and environment at Tallahassee Memorial. Our Patient and Family Advisors all serve on our Patient and Family Advisory Council (PFAC), which TMH established in January 2015.
PFAC benefits our organization and community in countless ways, including:
- Establishing patients and families as true partners in care with our colleagues, physicians and leadership
- Offering patients and families the opportunity to actively participate in developing new programs
- Ensuring a safe venue for patients and families to provide feedback on our processes
- Facilitating discussions about healthcare services provided at TMH and in our community
- Serving as a resource to leadership, colleagues and shared governance within TMH
Ensuring the voice of the patients and family members is heard and their influence is felt in a meaningful way.
To keep patient- and family-centered care (PFCC) in the forefront of all TMH councils and committees.
PFAC strives to:
- Promote the principles of patient-provider partnership and patient- and family-centered care at TMH
- Provide and communicate the unique perspective of the patient and family to the clinical and administrative leaders and colleagues at TMH
- Provide advice, consultation, evaluation and recommendations, when solicited, regarding programs, educational efforts and operational initiatives that affect patients and families at TMH

Become a Patient and Family Advisor
Have your voice heard and help improve the patient experience here at TMH.
Apply Now
Patient and Family-Centered Care
We understand that involving families in the patient's care supports the healing process.
Learn More